Andman and Nicobar (Fun in the Blue Sea)

Andman and Nicobar 

A fun in the Blue Sea

Someone has said, turning equally we can go anywhere, as much as we can get tired. If considered exhaustion is a mindset, but with both money and time for Gummkdi want. So both of you, and we Himachali residents of Port Blair, the capital of Andaman green-blue Panile come spend a few days in court. It's exactly the same as if the inhabitants of Kerala loafing in Kinnaur make high hills. Chandigarh Airport is Rinoveshn flue. Security checking the seating seemed to have a particularly low flight. Whether in small farming tractor use is declining but there is plenty to pull the stuff. If a security is security everywhere life began to see the river of water becomes clear. The flight was a private company, but it was late. To further improve the Commonwealth sparkles food street at the airport in Delhi, one hundred fifty bucks Dosa Masala Vada Combo eating idlis me several years ago on a piece of banana leaf on Madras railway station, five bucks eaten hot dosas remember the taste was amazing.
But many can go anywhere via Chennai to reach Port Blair, Visakhapatnam or ship from Calcutta, whether air or water. 1200 km from Chennai takes two hours in air travel. Travel by ship is between 50 and 60 hours. We arrived at night Vnnkm the Chennai airport was sad to say welcome. Morning flight was four and half hours sleep the night drinking tea and coffee, was to face north reversed Ungte season stack tasteless tea mosquito and thirty bucks. Three o'clock in the morning and half in the private airline counter was welcomed with fresh floral bouquets.

Flights to Port Blair

Ude to Port Blair was so dark, the light would have been arriving. Sitting on the lap of the clouds in the plane, such as if the seats are not evaporates, Suhage are going through the Kilon. Was talked about in the way Kalapani. 572 Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar group of islands to land on the red soil of Goa have come to believe it. Water, soil, houses, roads, coconut and other trees in the same way a lot. The water stored in brass urn arrived in marigold said the reception. The rest had to eat a little. Go eat there, in the style of the delicious food we ate vegetarian Annapurna and agreed to dawdle. The food and the taste and the house is a woman undertakes to maintain credibility. So we changed back to the dining room.

National Memorial and Art Gallery
A visit to the National Memorial and Art Gallery Subhas Chandra Bose and many events such as the Lahore Conspiracy recalls. Paintings in the gallery are the main subject of many famous painters English oppression, freedom and struggle. When we entered the prison where historical Kalapani Relmpel of tourists is now. Cellular Jail slave has facilities in our generation can not understand that our freedom fighters walk to go through the British suffered years of brutal oppression, but did not reduce the desire for independence. The British were given jail complex administrative and vicious in its construction is clearly visible imprint of mind. Thirteen and a half times the seven chambers, hundreds of feet are silent now. It seems to be easy to quantify the movement of the price of freedom. Here is a photo gallery of historical events which have been forgotten are talking pictures.
Coconut and betel nut trees in the courtyard of the prison and three tourists Jelyatra Spread the sea which helps facilitate. Evening sound and light show is held in the prison courtyard.
  The presentation was just the time we get to the beach. Around here, everyone in the neighborhood streets are swirling ocean. Thousands charming places where there are many shades of iridescent colors that no matter how deep the sand is scattered, water colors and heights of its waves kiss the lips is a lifetime. Coconut straight, bending or lying fell trees to create unique views. Uneven across the lap of the earth as the crowd of tourists on the beaches and not Umdti yet. For locals, the beach is the perfect place to sell coconut water. We took great delight Jalmuri.
Light and sound show is the time. Tourists are entered. Show earlier in Hindi, is in the English Language. Manohar Singh, Om Puri, Tom Alter sounds like a smart stage of the brutal events Krantismay made poignant. The combination of sound and light, the apostle anyone is able to become a patriot. But despite those record are prohibited from recording, mobile phone after having been denied until Rhi- are whispering about. Is thought to be patriotic entertainment. Book tickets to Neil Island was the next morning. The morning was to ship. Mountains on the ocean, there will not look the earth. Speed boat to the islands than passenger ships and boats is for short trips. The ship was safe to ride. After sitting on the seat in front jacket by Life awakens a feeling of security. But everyday driving seat when they are residing, tourist, and above all on the deck, where you can go. Itlati of ocean waves to capture faithfully assimilate or photographs.


Neil Island Travel
Neil island famous for the beauty arrived unguarded. Sally was there waiting for my name written on white paper. See it all over the place so remote glowing hearts. What is welcome daughter Pdi- speaking? Assuage hunger is more important to look at the beauty. Mahalnbe coconut and betel nut farm weak directly here. Close to four thousand five hundred only paid less than men. In Hotkes coil paratha, vegetable with coconut chutney and dried peas. The food was seeing increased appetite. Mishti Doi doubled the fun. Coconut sauce, gram dal, chillies, curry leaves, mustard, ginger, tomatoes are included as well as making hands. The Mtti, peas, Skrpara, and we've got snacks, Indian, Continental, Seafood Istraili saw the signboard. All spot.
Neil the beach were very few people. Clean the transparent blue elixir Atkelian near brightly sand. Cool water may as much as friendship, fun, how can occur. We relax the elderly tourists takes wings looked long neck in water. Vabvmayi hugeness of the ocean off the hours in the shade of trees lying enjoy people live here. But in the midst of Bharatpur Sagrtt Nile is unmatched. Other beaches we went on. The photo looks like the waves that were returned, and the edge of what was Krvten Jagbri son and daughter went to pick how many nautical gifts later.


Visit three islands
Via are Neil Havelock Port Blair takes longer than four hours. The ship was not open in the staff canteen, it is important to understand how tea. Now under Navy, ever Ross Island Port Blair, the capital of the British and the Japanese neighbor. The next morning to drive to visit the three islands are known, but we just had to Ross. The island looks when he left the North Bay. The photo used in the back of twenty bucks is the note. In fifteen minutes we reached Ross. Towing the boat stopped throwing iron round pegs. The entrance ticket and camera fees. On the ruins of old buildings occupied by the roots. Vadshala his place was to be mysterious tides. The Press, powerhouse, church, bakery, barracks, officers' club, was the water tank. Stories of life on the pages of the English common-jackfruit trees are torn. And seemingly hopeless deer hide, peacocks and even Barhsinge. They are also currently imprisoned. Ross called the escape down the stairs go far enough. The water show in anger. Coconut water is here with the kind of energy source. Come rain, come Jetty fled.
The afternoon was to Bdunr. Taxi driver on the singing mellow songs oh ... kept on singing. Lying on either side of the road, fields of green and flowers blooming here and made the journey pleasant. Emphasized that the impact of the tsunami on the way Ujde Grundon is even. The beach sand is thick marine plants are lying scattered Savla. It would seem from soft plastic. The sea was angry here. Ujde huge trees in the tsunami are now haunt for tourists photo op.
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