Egypt : Country of Communicating with the Past

As can be seen live in the past, so much space, but to communicate to him if ever possible, it's just in Egypt. Egypt in which the name comes from the history of India and around the world people are aware of the pyramids. There's more than that. Despite having several other Muslim sects are extremely ancient temple. There are bird sanctuaries in the Nile Valley. If you are fond of adventure sports can Red Sea scuba diving.

Caro's monumental heritage

Well, usually people come here in search of which, here is the very ancient civilization. More than five thousand years old civilization here if you would like for it mainly three cities in Cairo, Aswan and Alexandria must visit. You can if you like Luxor and Abu Sinbel. Generally the start of the tour is from Cairo. The main airport in Cairo before the arrival of foreign tourists are here. In the past, this was a major city. Exploring the sights of Cairo can be divided into four parts.
The first part of the Great Pyramid at the Cairo Fraonik. A king of the world in seven Ashcharyo Cheyop build the pyramids in 2650 BC It was in. The Memphis, the Sphinx, Step Pyramid and Museum are also worth watching. The second part of the Coptic Church in Cairo can see hanging GETs. Built in the fourth century, the church is known as the Al Molkka. Islamic Cairo is the third party, which is known particularly for Salah Al-Din. Between 1176 and 1182 remained on the hills of Mokttm ramparts of the fortress you can see a panoramic view of downtown Cairo. The fourth form of Cairo, its markets and nightlife, which are able to attract anyone.

The beauty of the Nile

After a one-two days in Cairo to Aswan better. Southern Egypt on the African way of life of the city can be seen substantial impact. You can see the natural beauty of the Nile valley are plenty. You can start exploring Elfentain island. There are several museums worth seeing on the island. Here on the island are the remains of several ancient temples. Gilika island can see ancient religious symbol. In downtown museum, Klbsha, Idfu Temple of Kom-Onbo and are worth visiting.

City of Cleopatra
Alexandria is Egypt's second largest city. Environment and cultural heritage, both is very different from other cities of the country. Founded the city 331 BC Was founded by Alexander the Great. Hot babe and Queen Cleopatra and Mark Antony's relations have witnessed the same city. Its main attraction is the Greco-Roman Museum.
Here are 40 thousand Roman antiquities. Panpei Pilar, Antoniadis and Slalt Muntja Palace orchards and gardens are worth visiting.


Is filled with the remains of ancient civilization. Therefore, the world's largest open-air museum it says. While Abu Sinbel city is known for its temples.
In Egypt you will find a rich variety in terms of catering. The cuisine of the Turkish influence can be seen eating plenty of tradition. The food is fun both in terms of taste and smell. Since it acts as a bridge between Africa and Asia for millennia, so the full impact of the flavors of two continents.
The use of spices in food is plentiful. Whether vegetarian or vegan diet, the tomato is an essential part of it. In different recipes used by different types of tomato. Similarly, the use of sauces Thini also happens with almost every dish. Cheese and green vegetables are also plenty of food. So vegetarian people also have no problem eating here. Cairo and other big cities in some restaurants you can find Indian food.
Egypt is a paradise for people fond of shopping then. The food-Khalili market in Cairo, famous artifacts from the ancient style with modern fabrics can easily find all things. Founded in the 14th century with a hand in this market vendors and shops decorated sitting on the sidewalk on the other hand large modern air-conditioned malls dealer will also have in abundance.
People who prefer to buy things from abroad them food spices, perfumes and gold and silver jewelry are dominant. In addition to a carpet, brass and copperware, leather items and clothing are also worth buying. The camel is a famous market. Cairo's nightlife is also interesting.

How to arrive
Delhi International Airport has direct flights to Cairo. Egypt's sights in and around the towns around you can easily get taxis. All services rate no Jikjik do not even need to be fixed.
Indian people should have a valid passport to come here. From here you will get a visa, which can be received from the Embassy in New Delhi. In desert areas to the eastern part of the access permit is different.
Where to stay
To stay often can find good hotels in all cities.
The photography is banned in all government buildings. Photography on many historical and religious sites are prohibited. Remember these things before photography.